Blog SEO: The Complete Guide.


Why is SEO important for blogs?


Search engines are a very important source of traffic for blogs.


In fact, a recent survey of over 1000 bloggers found SEO to be their third most important traffic source (right behind email marketing).

Our own blog is living impermeable of the power of SEO. Sure, we get a fair quantity of traffic from Twitter, LinkedIn, email, and direct traffic. And added composed, these sources make up the majority of our monthly traffic.

Better practices

Find a main keyword for each post


Every blog post you publish needs to be optimized around one keyword.


If you optimize your post around many different keywords, Google and other search engines get confused. They don't know what your content is really about.

But when you focus on a single keyword, Google can easily comprehend that your post is around that topic.

Or your first step is to find a main keyword for your post.


If your blog is new, I recommend focusing on long-tail keywords at first. That's because long terms are not very competitive.

Optimize your blog post


Now that you've originate a long-tail keyword, you want to enhance your post around that term.


You don't have to put your keyword a million times on your page. That's called "keyword stuffing." Keyword stuffing used to work in the past. But today it can do more harm and more good.


In its place, you want to comprise your keyword in a few key places on your page.


Title and title tag


Most CMS (like WordPress) have a title field at the top of the post.

And you want to include your keyword in your blog post title and your page title tag.

Introduction and conclusion sections


You also want to mention your keyword in the introduction and conclusion of your blog post.


In my experience, placing your keyword in these two key areas helps a bit with on-page SEO.

Subheadings H1, H2 and H3


Use your keyword in a H1, H2 or H3 caption.


Most Word Press themes automatically convert your post title to an H1.

But, just like your title tag, you need to check your page's HTML to be sure.


In addition to an H1, add at least one caption to your post that contains a keyword.

These tips are the top SEO best performs to keep in attention when optimizing your blog content.


But they only scratch the surface. When it comes to on-page SEO, you can also optimize your page alt text, site speed, responsive design, mobile optimization, and more.

Write unique Meta descriptions

One of the most interesting findings from our study was that Meta descriptions can increase organic click-through rates.

Therefore, you definitely want to write a custom Meta description for each post you publish on your blog.


If your page is missing a Meta description, Google will create its own based on the content of your page.

Internal link between publications

Want a simple, white hat SEO technique that really works?

Test internal linking between different posts on your site.

The easiest way to take advantage of internal links is to follow this 2-step process every time you post something new:

First, enhance 5-10 internal links to your new post. These links should point to older posts on your site.

Create a blog sitemap

One of the advantages of blogging is that since they always publish new content, Googlebot usually crawls them all the time.

But to make it very easy for Google to crawl and index all of your posts, I recommend using a sitemap. A sitemap is simply a list that links to all of your posts and pages.

Many SEO plugins will automatically make a sitemap for you. For instance, Yoast created a plugin that links to posts and pages.

Monitor your SEO with Search Console


Search Console is a must-have SEO tool for several blogger.


There are a ton of features packed into the GSC.


But there are only a few sorts that you need to pay attention to for blog SEO.


The first is the Performance Report.


This report shows you all the keywords that you currently rank in Google (and how many people click on your result).

You also want to see the "Coverage" and "Site Map" sections.


The Attention feature shows you how many pages you now have indexed in Google.

Lower your bounce rate


Whether bounce rate is a Google ranking factor or not is up for debate.

Several industry studies have found a correlation between bounce rate and rankings.

Does correlation mean causation? No.


But there really is no downside to lowering your bounce rate. And it can help recover your SEO rankings.


So it makes sense to employ some time improving your bounce rate.


At a high level, the best way to reduce your site's bounce rate is to post content that gives Google users what they are looking for.


(In other words: content that satisfies the search intent.)


When somebody lands on your post and says, “Great! This is exactly what I'm looking for, "they'll stick around and read your stuff.


But if your post doesn't fit well, it will bounce.


And if enough people bounce, Google will notice and look down on you.

Post content designed for link building


At this point, your blog is poised for SEO success.


Said that:


Your blog can have amazing world-class content. And you can put on every search engine optimization method on the planet.


But in order for your blog to rank on Google, you need to create backlinks. And many of them.


Fortunately, because you have a blog, your site is link-ready. After all, you consistently post high-quality content. The careful type of gratified that other bloggers want to link to.


And if your main goal with content marketing is to get more links to your blog, I recommend that you focus on


An analysis of more than 900 million posts found that these specific types of content got more links than average.

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