10 Golden Rules Of Email Marketing


General Email Marketing Ideas

If you want to form a solid relationship with your mailing list and maximize your chances of driving first-time and ongoing sales then you need to be putting out engaging email content several times per week.

This will maximize your emails' chances of getting read, allow you to drive reliable engagement, and help you make and keep a spot at the top of your audience's mind.

And remember, every email you send should include a call to action which encourages users to take the next step. This can be clicking through to your onsite content, viewing a product or offer, or claiming a coupon code.

Sending out emails with this level of frequency is highly effective, but it can be tough to find something valuable to say all the time. To help you keep your emails continuously flowing and consistently engaging here are some of our preferred ideas for emails you can send anytime:

1. Welcome emails


Every time someone subscribes to your mailing list, it is important that they communicate immediately and welcome them to your mailing list.


You don't have to do whatever too fancy here. You can simply welcome users to your mailing list and give them an introduction to what they can expect from their emails. A welcome email is also a great opportunity to give users a proper introduction to your business and present them with a clear call to action to try and fuel some instant activity.

2. News emails


Sending relevant news about your niche is a great way to stay in touch with your subscribers, provide value, and drive engagement.


If all you do is send out ads and sales pitches, people will log out pretty quickly. You need to combine it with interesting and valuable content, and sharing relevant news is a great way to do that.


This is a great strategy for emerging relationships with your audience and positioning yourself as a trusted and obliging authority within your niche. This is very useful when it comes to driving long-term customer acquisition and retention.

3. Update emails


Direct email is a great way to keep your users and customers informed of any major updates to your products or procedures. Update emails are not inherently the most exciting emails, but if you are informing users about changes to your products and services, these emails can serve as a great way to showcase what you have and promote your offering that you are. constantly improving.


Update emails can even serve as an easy way to get in touch with your customers and stay fresh on their minds.

4. Share valuable content


When people sign up for your mailing list, it will generally be because they like and trust your brand, and they want to derive value from your communications. This value will often take the form of product news and specials, or it can be valuable and insightful content that you share.


Almost all businesses have something to gain from producing valuable content about their niche, but it can be particularly effective for B2B and SaaS businesses. Regardless of what you're writing about, your content must strike a balance between promoting your own offering and providing readers with significant value.

5. Curated content

 A great way to increase the volume of your email content is to share a curated collection of new, high-value, and relevant articles and videos from around the web.


Taking this approach will allow you to send more emails and engage your audience more often. Just remember to prioritize your own content and try not to direct your subscribers to any of your competitors.

6. Happy Holidays


Sending emails during the holidays is a great way to instantly make your emails more captivating and capitalize on people's holiday spirit. Whether you're hosting a holiday sale, sharing holiday-themed content, or just wishing people a happy holiday season, this tactic is a sure way to give your messages an easy boost in engagement.



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