10 Best Software Development Tools and Frameworks to Learn



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When it comes to being spoiled for choice, its software engineers who top the charts. With so many tools and frameworks to choose from, the choice can sometimes overwhelm a new developer, leaving them wondering what the best software development frameworks and tools are available. Particularly for beginners entering the workforce, who are good with the theoretical aspects of software design, it is important to master the basic tools and structures that can help you write production-ready code.


To help you make the right choice, we have selected a list of the 10 best software development tools and frameworks of 2020. If your goal is a career in software development, these tools can give you a good starting point and help you to stay ahead of your competition.

Why are software development tools and frameworks important?


A software growth tool is a computer program that programmers use to create or build other software. They allow computer operator to develop stable software based on a customer's needs or goals.


A framework, on the other hand, is like a model with pre-built components that makes it quick and convenient to build production-ready applications.


At some point, all software professionals harness the power of these tools and frameworks to be more productive in their jobs. These tools play a very important role in the software field and are required by professionals to complete projects while working with computers.


Let's take a look at the best software tools and frameworks, as well as cloud tools and IDEs.

10 Best Software Development Tools and Frameworks to Learn in 2020

Front-end structures


Bootstrap is an open source CSS framework used to develop responsive and mobile websites. It is the world's most popular front-end toolkit for developing highly responsive projects with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It comes in two variants, one is precompiled while the other is based on a source code version and uses less CSS.


Bootstrap can be divided into the following components:


·         bootstrap.css: a CSS framework

·         bootstrap.js: a JavaScript / jQuery framework

·         glyphicons - a font


Bootstrap functions :


·         Focuses on simplifying the development of informational web pages

·         Bootstrap features Sass variables and mixins and powerful JavaScript plugins

·         It offers an extensive pre-built list of components for all kinds of scenarios.

·         Bootstrap avoids useless repetition

·         Adapts to different requirements without making drastic changes

·         Bootstrap ensures consistency

·         Bootstrap allows the use of ready-to-use code blocks

·         Ensures consistency regardless of who is working on the project.


Top Websites Using Bootstrap:


·         Apple Maps Connect

·         Forbes India

·         Fox News

·         Reuters

·         Web application frameworks



Node.js is an open source, cross-platform, and JavaScript runtime environment used to build web applications, web servers, and network tools. It is built on the Google Chrome JavaScript engine (V8 engine).

Node.js Features:


·         Node.js is used to write server-side applications in JavaScript

·         It is fast and asynchronous.

·         Node.js runs on various platforms, such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X

·         It uses JavaScript on the server and offers a rich library of various JavaScript modules.

·         Node.js is used to create fast and scalable network applications

·         It is efficient and lightweight as it uses a non-blocking, event-driven I / O model.

·         It is used by various IT companies, software developers, and small and large commercial organizations to develop web and network server applications.

Real life Node.js applications


·         I / O Linked Applications

·         Chats in real time

·         Streaming Applications

·         ISON API-based applications

·         Single page application

·         Real-time collaboration tools

·         Microservices architecture


Top Websites Using Node.js


·         Netflix

·         Linkedin

·         Walmart

·         Trello

·         Paypal

·         Uber

·         eBay


Django is a free, open source, high-level Python framework that promotes rapid development and pragmatic software design. The framework is developed by experienced developers and takes care of all the hassles related to web development, allowing developers to focus on building the application.

It is considered one of the most secure web frameworks, as it is one of the fastest to react to new vulnerabilities.

Django features:

·         Use Python, one of the most popular programming languages.

·         Django offers high security

·         It is very simple and easy to use

·         Django offers high scalability

·         Provides rapid development

·         Adapts to any web application project

·         Django apps

·         Integrated custom CRM systems for internal data

·         CRM B2B systems for communication management

·         Algorithm-based generators

·         High load shopping platforms

·         Android and iOS mobile apps that support web apps

·         Document management systems

·         Data analysis tools

·         Admin dashboards

·         Photo-based verification systems

Top Websites Using Django:

·         Instagram

·         Spotify

·         Youtube

·         DropBox

·         Pinterest

Angular JS


AngularJS is an open source, JavaScript-based framework that developers use to dynamically design web applications. Maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations, it aims to address the challenges encountered in single page application development.

Amgular.js Features:


·         It is fully stretchy and works easily with other libraries.

·         Allows you to replace or edit each function according to the needs of the project

·         Works well with data-driven applications.

·         It offers some of the advanced features such as directives, form validation, localization, deep linking, dependency injection, reusable components, and data binding.

·         Angular JS works in desktop and mobile browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

·         Offers built-in protection against basic security holes




·         Web applications

·         Mobile apps

·         Native desktop applications

·         Native mobile apps


Top Websites Using Angular.js


·         PayPal

·         Netflix

·         Upwork

·         Lego

·         The Guardian

React JS

React JS, also known as React, is an open source JavaScript library. It allows you to develop front-end or GUI of web applications. It is used to create web applications, create dynamic libraries, and create user interfaces that are perfectly equipped to represent large data sets.


React JS combines the speed of JavaScript and uses a new approach to rendering web pages to make them dynamic and responsive.

Popular React Component Libraries:


·         Redux

·         Reflux

·         Tailwind user interface

·         Flummox

·         MobX


React JS Features:


·         It supports SEO

·         React JS is a powerful tool that allows you to easily break down complex UIs

·         Uses JSX which allows you to write HTML inside JavaScript

·         Allows you to store everything that changes in one place

·         Ensures one-way flow of data

·         It is used by giants like Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Udemy, and Twitter.

·         React JS has a completely component-based architecture

·         Allows developers to reuse code.

·         It is faster compared to other libraries.

·         Makes it easy to learn React Native and develop mobile apps.

Top Websites Using React JS


·         Facebook

·         DropBox

·         Tesla

·         Airbnb

·         Netflix

·         Reddit



VueJS is an open source, progressive front-end JavaScript framework. It enables users to develop interactive user interfaces and single page applications.


It is a fairly easy framework and beginners can easily comprehend and start constructing their user interfaces with Vue.js.

Vue.js features


    It is very easy to mix with other projects and libraries.

    Vue.js offers advanced features such as Virtual DOM and Data Binding

    Supports simple integration and can be integrated into other applications built in JavaScript

    Vue.js eases two-way communications due to its MVVM architecture


Vue.js applications


·         Scaffolding project

·         Full stack applications

·         Tests

·         Improvement


Top Websites Using Vue.js


·         Grammatically

·         GitLab

·         Buzzfeed

·         Nintendo


GitHub is one of the best software development frameworks and tools to learn. It is a powerful collaboration tool and repository website that enables developers to create applications and software, review code, manage projects, and host code. This tool suggestions the right tool for different development jobs.


It allows originators to share their work without any effort or cost related with maintaining their own website. With this tool, developers can simply upload their project to GitHub and anyone can download and contribute to it.

GitHub Features:


·         GitHub project management tools let you easily coordinate and stay aligned

·         It works on Windows and Mac OS.


·         It allows developers to do all the coding in one place.

·         Developers can host their documentation directly from the repositories.

·         It allows developers to easily document their code and host it from repositories.

·         Some of its unique features comprise code security, access control, and integration with other tools.


·         Some developers use it to experiment with new programming languages ​​in their projects.

·         It can be hosted on servers and cloud platform.




·         Open source projects

·         Web development

·         Game development projects

·         Mobile apps

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service used to create, test, deploy, test, and manage applications and services across the Microsoft data center network. It offers three main cloud figuring platform services:


·         SaaS: software as a service

·         IaaS: infrastructure as a service

·         PaaS: platform as a service


Azure offers an ever-expanding range of products and services to meet all your needs through one convenient, easy-to-manage platform.

Microsoft Azure Features:


·         Azure team  takes a variety of programming languages, such as Python, .NET, PHP, and JavaScript.

·         It is compatible with a wide range of devices, frameworks, and operating systems, including Linux and Windows.

·         Identify and reduce threats

·         Azure allows you to create applications quickly and easily

·         It allows you to proactively manage the application.

·         Helps deliver mobile apps smoothly


Microsoft Azure Applications


·         Mobile services

·         Data management

·         Warehousing services

·         Messenger service

·         Media services

·         Caching

·         Virtual network

·         Business analysis

·         Visual Studio Team Services


NetBeans is a free and open basis software development instrument. It is an combined development environment for Java that allows you to develop requests from a set of modular software components called modules. It is used to develop web, mobile and desktop applications easily and quickly.

NetBeans Features:


·         It is cross-platform compatible and works on any operating system such as Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

·         NetBeans offers advanced features such as intelligent code editing, easy administration process, error-free code writing, and rapid user interface development.

·         It enables developers to update Java applications to their latest editions by using code analyzers, editors, and converters.

·         Some other popular features include debugging, profiling, dedicated community support, powerful GUI generator.

·         Easy and efficient project management process

·         Let’s rapid development of the user interface.

·         Offers superior support for C / C ++ and PHP developers


NetBeans Applications


·         Web applications

·         Mobile apps

·         Desktop applications



Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java. Developers use it to automate the build, test, and deployment parts of software development, facilitating seamless integration and delivery.


Jenkins makes it easy for developers to integrate changes into the project, while making it easy for users to get a new build.

Jenkins functions:


·         Integrates with virtually all SCMs or construction tools.

·         It enables companies to speed up the software development process through automation.

·         Jenkins is fully configurable from its friendly web GUI with various error checks and help

·         Most parts of Jenkins can be extended and modified

·         Offers a variety of plugins for continuous integration.

·         It is built with Java and is portable for all major platforms.


Jenkins applications:


·         Integration of individual jobs

·         Build and test software projects

·         Reduce repeat coding

·         Automation of parts of software development


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